Foreign Relations

Norwalk’s International Relationships Thrive

The City of Norwalk has been an official Sister-City to Vushtrri, Kosovo since 2018. The State of Iowa and the Republic of Kosovo have had a strong partnership since America’s military intervention in the Serbian war in 1999. Since then, the relationship has grown between Iowa’s National Guard, government relations, sister-city designations, and Iowa’s first foreign embassy with the opening of the Republic of Kosovo Consulate in downtown Des Moines four years ago.

Norwalk’s partnership is one of the most active of all the sister-cities in Iowa. Several business and trade opportunities have been established between Norwalk and Vushtrri. Norwalk delegates have been asked to lead large trade initiatives between the two nations. And Norwalk and Vushtrri’s school systems have engaged in youth programs. 

The City of Norwalk has sent officials on the Iowa-Kosovo delegation trip three times to date. Some of the initiatives Norwalk is working on with Kosovo include educational and school exchanges, government-to-government cooperation, economic development projects, police training programs, and business initiatives. Each year the delegation is organized by the Consulate of the Republic of Kosovo, Iowa Sister States, and is led by the former Adjunct General for the Iowa National Guard, Major General Tim Orr. 

If you are interested in becoming involved in Norwalk’s Foreign Relations, or would like more information on how to expand your business into Europe through the Kosovo-American incentive program, please contact Hollie Zajicek at [email protected] 515-314-5862 or Jaki Livingston at [email protected] 515-306-1640.

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