Serenity Woods
Norwalk, IA (May 7, 2021) – The City of Norwalk (Norwalk Parks and Recreation Department) has purchased 177 acres of new parkland south of town.

The new parkland is named Serenity Woods. It is located at the NW corner of Elkhorn and Highway 28. A portion of the North River runs through the middle of the park, splitting it into two sections. The City purchased the land for $300,000 using LOSST Funds (Local Option Sales and Service Tax).
Serenity Woods is not yet open to the public. Norwalk Parks and Recreation is working on accessibility to the site along with a parking area. After that access is established, the Parks Department will be excited to announce when the public can use the new park area for hiking and other outdoor activities.
While the City is very excited to offer this great amenity for citizens and visitors it should be noted that accessing the site prior to opening would be considered trespassing.
Serenity Woods is adjacent to the North River Greenbelt: Swamp White Oak Tract, managed by the Warren County Conservation Board.
Press Release